Can IGF-1 Help Fibromyalgia Patients?

Can IGF-1 Help Fibromyalgia Patients?

If you are suffering with the painful and often debilitating effects of fibromyalgia I think this information may be helpful to you.

Clinical studies are showing a correlation between low IGF-1 blood levels and fibromyalgia.

IGF-1 is a major growth factor that is released by the liver in response to human growth hormone (HGH).

Please continue to my complete article:

IGF-1 Shows Promise as Treatment For Fibromyalgia

Lisa Wells, RN

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Do You Feel That Your Thyroid Function is Not Optimum?

Do You Feel That Your Thyroid Function is Not Optimum?

Do you ever wonder whether you might have thyroid issues?

Do you know that you do have hypothyroidism and you are being treated for it by your doctor but you just don't have the energy or feel as well as you did in the past?

You might be surprised to know that there are people who are hypothyroid but they don't know it because the lab that their doctor used to check their labs is still using the old TSH lab values and because of this they are being told that their thyroid gland is working fine when it is not.

There are also those who have hypothyroidism and they are taking levothyroxin from their doctor but it is not working well for them.

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HGH Information By Nurse

HGH Information By Nurse

If you have visited many human growth hormone web sites you may be feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the conflicting information about HGH and all the different products being sold online. I hope the information I have provided will help you to understand exactly what human growth hormone is, why we need to keep our HGH and growth factors at a healthy level as we age, and which therapies have been legitimately shown to be safe and effective at doing that.

I started working with human growth hormone and anti-aging therapies 24 years ago after I experienced tremendous results with a non-injection homeopathic growth hormone therapy myself.

If after you learn about growth hormone you decide that you do wish to improve your own level you will be faced with the decision of which product to try.

From the beginning I have been dedicated to providing only the truth as I know it and to offering only the product I feel is best based on legitimate and independent clinical evidence.

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The Importance of Healthy Adrenal Glands

The Importance of Healthy Adrenal Glands

The adrenals are two small glands with each located just above a kidney. They are responsible for important life sustaining processes such as protecting us from stress, keeping salt and water balanced in the body, keeping blood pressure normal, and regulating blood glucose. The adrenals also assist in the production of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. As age progresses and the ovaries and testes decrease their release of these hormones the adrenal glands become more responsible for their release.

Our energy, endurance, ability to fight infection, ability to heal and rejuvenate, and in fact our very lives depend upon the proper functioning of our adrenal glands.

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The Ultimate Immune Supplement!

The Ultimate Immune Supplement!

Immune Support is a one-of-a-kind supplement that combines all the best immune building and infection fighting herbs and vitamins such as both water and fat soluble vitamin C, zinc picolinate, beta 1 3D glucan, olive leaf, oregano, and more into one effective, safe, and easily tolerated homeopathic formulation.

It would be almost impossible to take all of these ingredients together in supplemental form. However, by using the principles of homeopathy we are able to extract the essence and energies of these powerhouse ingredients and use them together in one product.

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Why Men Need Testosterone Throughout Life

Why Men Need Testosterone Throughout Life

Made in the testes and the adrenal glands testosterone (T) is the major gonadal hormone in men. However, by the age of 30 the body's testosterone production is already on the decline and this decrease negatively affects the health, fitness, and lifestyle of men.

Testosterone is very important to the growth and repair of muscles and certain organs. With the decrease of T comes a decrease in lean muscle and that usually means an increase in body fat.

Restoring testosterone to a more healthy level increases muscle and decreases fat, contributes to strength and stamina and enhances libido in both men and women. The male urinary and reproductive systems are also promoted by T.

Testosterone helps to protect the heart muscle and cardiovascular system by helping to keep cholesterol and blood pressure balanced. It also affects neurological function and mood and it fuels feelings of confidence, optimism, motivation, and aggressiveness.

It can also provide a protective effect to the joints against the development of arthritis and help to sustain bone density.

In men the progressive decrease of testosterone with age is called andropause.

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ProBLEN HGH Double-Blind Placebo IGF-1 Clinical Results

ProBLEN HGH Double-Blind Placebo IGF-1 Clinical Results

The effectiveness of HGH supplements can be measured by doing randomized double-blind placebo-controlled IGF-1 clinical trials.

There are now many different products on the market, yet only a few have undergone double-blind placebo IGF-1 clinical trials to measure their effectiveness at actually increasing human growth hormone in the body. Of those few brands the clinical studies done on our ProBLEN formula showed the best results, and only our studies were done independently.

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Testimonials By HGH-Pro/ProBLEN Clients

Testimonials By HGH-Pro/ProBLEN Clients

Some companies pay celebrities, doctors, bodybuilders, and athletes for testimonials or endorsements or they offer a free product or a discount for writing a product review. We do not compensate in any way for testimonials or product reviews. I do not consider paid testimonials and reviews to be as good as that given by those who are not compensated yet they take the time to write a testimonial or product review anyway.

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to notify us of their experiences and some have even sent copies of lab tests and/or photos.

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Detailed Dosage Instructions

Detailed Dosage Instructions

For more specific information about the best way to take ProBLEN supplements, including tips I have learned by using our supplements and speaking with our clients over the past 24 years, please click the link below.

Information includes the best times to take the products, how to cycle them, and how to take more than one of our products together. Information is also given about any possible side effects.

This information is provided to help all our clients to receive the best benefits possible while taking our supplements.

Detailed Dosage Instructions For ProBLEN Supplements

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Can We Have Female Hormone Therapy Without the Risks?

Can We Have Female Hormone Therapy Without the Risks?

The modern medicine community has known for years about the terrible symptoms that women approaching menopause can suffer with. These symptoms are usually caused by the progressive decrease of the estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone as age progresses. Unfortunately, back then the accepted symptoms were hot flashes, dry mucus membranes, and decreased libido.

Today practitioners in integrated, functional, and anti-aging medicine know that the effects of low estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone go far beyond hot flashes, dry membranes, and reduced libido.

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The Importance of DNA Repair

The Importance of DNA Repair

DNA is the blueprint that contains the instructions on how to build each individual cell that makes up the human body. When we are young the DNA blueprint is usually not damaged and so the cells that are made using that blueprint are perfectly healthy cells.

Unfortunately, as we age and we are exposed to more and more toxins our DNA blueprint can become damaged. Then, when the body makes new cells using the damaged blueprint those new cells won't be perfect cells as they were before.

Getting older means wearing out, but it's not just muscles, joints and organs that suffer. The older we get, the more damage we do to our own individual blueprint for life, our DNA, with the result possibly being a range of degenerative diseases and cancers. Luckily, we can use supplements that aid the body in repairing our DNA structure.

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HGH - Why It's Important!

HGH - Why It's Important!

Human growth hormone, also known as somatotropin, is a protein that is composed of 191 amino acids. It is released by the anterior of the pituitary gland. From birth until the end of the growth and development stage of life HGH is responsible for the rapid growth of bone, muscle, organs, etc. However, once the growth and development stage is completed the release of growth hormone begins its slow decline and continues to decline as age progresses.

In the past it was believed by physicians in modern mainstream medicine that growth hormone was only important during the time of growth and development. Unfortunately, in 2022 some physicians still believe this to be the case, even though scientific evidence showing the many benefits of restoring the HGH of aging adults to a more youthful and healthy level continues to pile up.

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Eat Healthy to Live Healthy!

Eat Healthy to Live Healthy!

Those who wish to be more healthy and want to put up the best fight against the effects of aging should follow an anti-aging lifestyle. One of the most important parts of anti-aging is the diet. We can improve our cell building and restoration hormones such as growth hormone, but if we do not also provide the body with the brick and mortar it requires to actually build the cells, which we get from nutrients, and stay away from certain unhealthy substances our health won't be optimum. I've made a list of important do's and don'ts.

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Welcome to Our Online Store!

Welcome to Our Online Store!

We are dedicated to offering you only the highest quality U.S. made FDA registered health, hormonal, and anti-aging supplements.

It all started for us back in 1999 with our original human growth hormone spray. Since that time our HGH supplements have lead the way in effective and safe alternatives to injection therapy. Our HGH formula still holds the record for increasing the IGF-1 blood levels of test subjects the most during independent randomized double-blind placebo controlled clinical trials that measured the effectiveness of HGH supplements.

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