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On Sale: $44.95 $40.46
Retail Price:$44.95
You Save:$4.49(10%)
Designed to improve libido and function in both men and women safely and effectively.
Availability: In Stock.

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1+ $40.46

We've changed the name of this product. It contains all the same ingredients in the same amounts as Libido, but it is now called LibidoPro! This advanced homeopathic restorative is specially formulated to improve libido and restore sexual function in both men and women. It is formulated with homeopathic bioidentical testosterone as well as certain glandulars and botanicals. No prescription needed in the U.S.

Unlike prescription products this formula is designed to work naturally with the body. By combining homeopathic bioidentical testosterone, organotherapy, and botanical medicines this cutting edge supplement is formulated to relieve symptoms safely and effectively.

LibidoPro is Designed to

  • Improve sex drive
  • Improve stamina
  • Improve ambition
  • Improve vitality

LibidoPro is also a natural alternative to medications that are prescribed for erectile dysfunction (ED).

FDA NDC# 43853-0037-1.

Each 30 ml sublingual spray bottle is a 30 day supply.

100% Money Back Guarantee!

*Customer Reviews and Ratings: Please click on the "Customer Reviews" tab.

*Dosage Instructions: Please click on the "Dosages" tab.

*Ingredients: Please click on the "Ingredients" tab.

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More information about LibidoPro.

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*If you don't choose an AUTOSHIP schedule using the dropdown above your order will be a one-time shipment!

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