Save With Our AUTOSHIP Program
Our autoship program (recurring automatic delivery) is free to participate in. It is a convenient and money saving program made for customers who take or plan to take our ProBLEN products for a few months up to years.
We offer shipments every 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 days, or monthly or quarterly. Click for more information about our AUTOSHIP program.
ATTENTION AUTOSHIP CUSTOMERS: If you purchase any product on AUTOSHIP you will receive that same price on all your future shipments of that autoship for at least one year.
PLEASE NOTE: We have new offers/discounts each month. If we have a new special offer that you are interested in you may cancel your current autoship and place a new autoship order to take advantage of the new special. However, we cannot add the new offer to your current Autoship.
Military, Police, and Firefighters Discount
If you are currently an active military, police, or firefighter we are happy to offer you a special discount. We want to make it easier for you to take products that help to ensure your health and fitness so you can do the demanding job you do to protect us. We thank you for your service and dedication.
To receive your M.P.F.D. discount please follow the instructions below.
For New Customers:
- Click to enter our secure online store and make a new account.
- Fill out the requested information and click submit.
- Continue the process for existing customers below.
For Existing Customers:
- From inside our online store login to your account.
- After logging in click the link Contact us. Type your request for a military, police, or firefighter discount in the message box.
- Then use the "SELECT FILES" button on that same page and attach a copy of your current military, police, or firefighter ID and click "SUBMIT REQUEST" to conveniently send it to us at the same time. Otherwise, please let us know in the message box that you wish to send us a copy of your ID using another method such as fax or email. Once we receive verification of your status via your ID we will let you know that your M.P.F.D. account has been finalized. You may then login to our online store and place your order or order by phone and you will receive M.P.F.D. discount pricing.
- This entire process can usually be completed within a couple of hours during business hours.
M.P.F.D customers please note: The advertised specials apply to retail customers only and our Combos are priced the same for both retail and M.P.F.D. customers. There is also no extra discount for Autoships. However, you will receive a discount off the retail price of each bottle and that is what makes our M.P.F.D. program worthwhile.
*Our advertised sales and offers are for retail customers only. New promotions or discounts cannot be added to a previous order, including Autoship recurring orders. To receive the current promotion or discount a new order must be placed.
**We reserve the right to cancel any special offer at any time without previous notice. Once removed from this page the special offer is no longer available for new purchases.